A man sitting down with both his hands on one of his knees.

Acupuncture for Knee Injuries, Pain Relief & Cartilage Repair

Written by Dr Luke McPherson (CM) Relieve pain, and repair the joint! Knee pain can be debilitating! It is a load bearing joint that is in use the entire time we are on our feet. The fact that this can cause constant pain can really impact on your quality of life and make it difficult […]

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Chinese herbs used in alternative herbal medicine with calligraphy script on rice paper. Translation reads as traditional ancient chinese medicine to heal mind, body and spirit.

The amazing effects of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine – The extraordinary benefits after you get past the initial Yuk!!! By Luke McPherson, Dr of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Teacher of Chinese Herbal Medicine I love prescribing Chinese herbal medicine; I love that something so natural has these powerful properties to heal our bodies from the inside out; it is a wonderful gift […]

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Woman relaxing with a green smoothie

3 Steps to Restore Your Gut Balance in the New Year

By Rochelle Hammond,  Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Are you Looking to restore your gut balance after over-indulging this festive season? Did you know the traditional practice of acupuncture and Chinese medicine is the perfect way to give a thorough and lasting solution to this common dilemma.   New science is beginning to recognise what […]

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Wooden box with Chinese medicinal herbs

Chinese herbal medicine for female infertility: An updated meta-analysis

A study looking at over 4000 women found that patients undergoing treatment for fertility with a trained Chinese Medicine Practitioner were 1.74 times more likely to achieve pregnancy than those undergoing treatment with western medicine alone. The study included women with PCOS, endometriosis, anovulation, fallopian tube blockage, or unexplained infertility. Mean pregnancy rates in the […]

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