Best Acupuncturists in Sydney
For anyone needing a starting point, here is my list (in alphabetical order) of the best acupuncturists in Sydney.
I have been an acupuncturist in private practice for 18 years and over that time I have met a lot of acupuncturists, both in Australia and abroad and I can confidently say we are NOT all the same!
Acupuncturists have different influences, different mentors and essentially different styles. But when you find a good one, stick with them because a great acupuncturist will enhance your health, your vitality and your happiness.
The acupuncturists are on my list below are there because they satisfy my top five checklist (keep reading), because they love their art, they care about their patients, they challenge the standards, they continue to educate themselves and they get great results.
So get out there, get started and experience for yourself the wonderful gift that a great acupuncture treatment delivered by a great acupuncturist truly is.
Here is my top five checklist for finding yourself the best acupuncturists in Sydney:
The best acupuncturists have the best training
To find the best acupuncturist you need to start with someone who has the right skills. While there may still be a few acupuncturists in the world who have amazing skills and have never set foot inside a university, (having had the family knowledge and practice of acupuncture passed down through the generations), these days a family name isn’t really enough and you want your acupuncturist to be recognised by a higher authority. In New South Wales acupuncturists are governed by the CMBA (Chinese Medicine Board of Australia) and the AACMA (Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association).
You may also come across an acupuncturist with an international qualification. As long as the acupuncturist is a registered member of the CMBA and AACMA, you can rest assured that their education is of a high enough standard to allow them to practice in Australia.
The best acupuncturists are excellent communicators
While it may be an exciting experience to have a session with an ancient acupuncturist speaking Chinese to you about your health and wellbeing, unless you too have a firm grasp of the language they are speaking it’s not going to be the most fruitful relationship. Finding the best acupuncturist for you means finding someone with whom you can communicate well. They will also be excellent listeners and encourage you to feel at ease talking about things that can sometimes be difficult to talk about.
The best acupuncturists embrace both ancient wisdom and modern science
The best acupuncturists not only practice using the traditional tools of oriental medicine in their art, tools such as acupuncture, moxibustion (herbal heating therapy), therapeutic massage, as well as the traditional diagnostic methods of pulse, tongue and abdominal diagnosis, but they will also have one foot firmly grounded in contemporary biological science. In this day and age, the best acupuncturist you can see is one who can be your holistic health coach and to do that they need to be able to speak the language of the other medical professionals you may be seeing too. In our modern info-manic world, patients are always coming to me with something they’ve read on “Doctor Google” and want me to answer their questions. Gone are the days of the mountain top sage living in isolation, the information age has changed that and despite needing more than ever to slow down, meditate and appreciate life at every opportunity, the best acupuncturists are the ones who can rise to the challenge and help patients navigate the path between the two.
The best acupuncturists are seekers of truth
A great acupuncturist searches for the core of your problems at every appointment. They won’t become complacent and keep doing the same thing visit after visit, they will reassess and check with you to see how you are doing and if anything has changed. If you aren’t getting the results they had hoped for in the time frame they had planned, they will discuss other options with you, for instance having some kind of additional investigations either through pathology or MRI, or taking some herbal medicine, or if associated with a mood disorder, they may recommend some mindfulness coaching or seeing a trusted psychologist. The best acupuncturist is always on your side helping get to the source of your symptoms and finding a way to guide you through.
The best acupuncturists have an amazing touch
The best acupuncturists will make you feel calmer, more grounded, safer and more at ease just by putting their hands on you. Given the amount of touching involved in acupuncture (feeling your abdomen and your pulse, checking your arms, legs and chest for temperature and vitality, palpating for acupuncture points) it stands to reason that it is essential to be comfortable with their touch. An average acupuncturist will poke and prod you and move you around without care. The best acupuncturists will support you with their touch, encourage optimum relaxation and make you feel you are literally in the best possible hands.
For anyone out there still looking, my advice is – feel free to look around a bit. Use my check list above as your starting point and go out and check someone out. If you find you have a rapport with them, fantastic! Give them a go and book in a few sessions to really get a sense of how they work and how you feel having some regular treatments. If you don’t really feel comfortable or convinced, thank them, don’t re-book, and start fresh with someone new.
I hope this article helps you find the best acupuncturists in Sydney.
In alphabetical order, the best acupuncturists in Sydney are:
Naomi Abeshouse
Naomi specialises in women’s health, pre conception and pregnancy. She works with Rebecca Mar Young at Red Tent in Woollahra.
http://redtent.com.au/about-us/naomi-abeshouse/ -
Chris Bishop
Chris practices a Japanese style of acupuncture in Sydney’s South. His regular trips to Japan to study with sensei Edward Obaidey and enhance his clinical expertise make him an excellent choice, especially if you live in the southern suburbs. Chris practices in Caringbah.
http://www.chrisbishop.com.au/ -
Simon Coate
Simon is a very experienced acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist working in Sydney’s Nortern Beaches. He has 15 years of clinical practice to draw from and uses a variety of techniques to get to the source of his patients symptoms. Simon trained in classical Chinese herbalism and the Toyahari method of Japanese acupuncture, and now incorporates Cranio Sacral therapy methods in his treatments as well. An excellent therapist with a gentle touch.
http://avalonwholistic.com.au/our-practice/acupuncture-traditional-chinese-herbs -
Michelle Corban
Siegrid Delaney
Siegrid practices a blend of acupuncture styles most recently influenced by her training in Japan with Sensei Edward Obeidey. She uses classical acupuncture with modern science in Nutritional medicine to get to the core of her patients symptoms. Siegrid specialises in Women’s health and fertility but sees patients with many and varied health complaints including chronic illness and pain related conditions. She is the founder and principal practitioner at West Street Wellbeing in North Sydney.
West Street Wellbeing – Siegrid Delaney Acupuncture North Sydney
Rochelle Hammond
Bernice Lowe
- Kate Levett
Kate is a pregnancy and fertility specialist acupuncturist with 22 years clinical experience practicing from the Kiiko Matsumoto Japanese style. She has written and delivered specialist training for midwives internationally.
Dr Kate Levett Acupuncture -
Rebecca Mar Young
Luke McPherson